We’ve hosted continuously a Canadian guest. He works at automobile company in Canada and sending to the Japan’s branch office for training for a month.
This time is still on his first week in Japan since he arrived from Canada.

However he is already planning to visit where to go on his day off.
I’m grad that Kyoto is his top list to visit and he found us to stay an overnight.
He was looking for some restaurant for his supper and I guided to our neighborhood restaurant and had a nice chatting with him on the way.

Actually he didn’t come back for a long time and I was wondering if he goes to another place to get drink after the dinner.
As a matter of a fact, he was staying at the restaurant for 2 hours since he got a Japanese friends there.
According to him,
an owner of the restaurant used a translation appreciation for him to have communications with another Japanese guests.
I was impressed his kindness and made the single traveler’s feel comfortable and happy to hear that our guest spent an unforgettable night in Kyoto.

Mr. Tyler,
Thank you for staying with us and giving us warm messages on our guest note.
You also made the best review on a booking .com for us.
Good luck with your job training in Japan and looking forward to having you again!