Our guests this time were Australian girls.
But one of them was coming from New Zealand.
They met at the Tokyo airport and had started their travel in Japan.
But they only visited 2 cities which were Tokyo and Kyoto and stayed with us just an overnight.

A woman from New Zealand visited Japan for the second time.
But it was a long time ago when she was a little girl.
I was very happy to hear that she came back to Japan because she has been keeping great memories from the last traveling in Japan.

So far, we’ve hosted a couple of families from different countries who have little kids.
I hope the little one will come back to Japan one day when they grow up.

Anyway, it was nice chatting with this 2 ladies while I was taking them to a neighborhood ramen restaurant for their lunch.
I wish they could stay here more longer as what they said.

Michele and Nidhi,
thank you so much for staying with us.
And to Nidhi, I’m looking forward for your third time traveling to Japan again.