We had a happy Arabian visitor named Osamu kun! (His real name is Hossam)
Osamu kun is our first home stay guest amongTariq’s friends.
He had also stayed for a couple of days at our Inn while we were having Tariq as well.

This time, he brought a very beautiful made in Turkish carpets from Saudi Arabia as his souvenir for us.
Actually, these were from Osamu kun and Tariq!
They had a chance to go back to their country for a month from their university’s spring vacation.

Both of them could still remember that we were talking about how expensive the Turkish carpets here in Japan during our dinner since my younger brother was trying to buy it.
Then they told us, those carpets are very cheap in Saudi and they promised us to bring it when they go back next time.

I got some samples of design and colors from Osamu kun when he visited the store in Saudi. I chose one, my favorite color is green with a beautiful design. According to them, Turkey carpets are more delicate workmanship and it is expensive.
However, Osamu kun brought two carpets in this case, the green one is not what I expected. So, one is from Osamu kun, and the other one is from Tariq !
That’s soooo nice both of them.

And Tariq sent me the fresh fruit Dates which is one of my favorite fruits and I can only buy them here as dry date.
Fresh Date is much much more delicious!

Thank you for their thoughtful gifts all the way from Saudi Arabia.
And Osamu kun is coming to stay at our Inn with all of his family from Tomorrow.
Looking forward to having you again sooon:).