In Japan, we celebrated the annual Obon holiday from August 13- 16.
It is a Japanese Buddhist custom to honor the spirits of one’s ancestors. It is believed that each year during this holiday, the ancestors’ spirits will return to the earth to visit their relatives.
In Kyoto, the celebration for Obon festival is very famous and unique which has been called Gozanno- Okuribi.
In this festival, the five mountains will be lighted up with huge fire and they call it “farewell fire” which means to send off the ancestors’ spirits to go back to heaven.
Obon is one of the important holidays for Japanese people and it’s the one of the best time to spend with the family and the spirits of the ancestors.
This year , it’s been the busiest year for us since we are preparing the guest house to welcome the visitors next year. It takes time for us to choose the wall colors for each rooms, making website and the business logo.
It’s almost 8:00 pm and it’s time to light up the fire on the 5 mountain. So, we take break for awhile to watch the mountains on fire in a peaceful and calm mind. Then , after that we will go back to our tasks in the guest house.
I’m looking forward to watch and witness the Obon festival with our dearest guests next year!
Let’s meet in that time!